Posts Tagged ‘System’
Nuances of the Microsoft Windows UAC
Nuances of the Microsoft Windows UAC/LUA and its effects on performance monitoring. The UAC (User Account Controls) and LUA (Limited User Account) have an effect on the way that privileged tools such as VPS implement account impersonation. Lets demystify what can sometimes seems like a daunting problem of access control and escalation. The confusion starts…
Read MoreWhat are these ephemeral drives on my VM?
Ephemeral drives are a bit of a hot topic when it comes to computing in the cloud. Many larger companies which maintain their own VM infrastructure have even come around to the wonders of ephemeral storage – VMWare for instance even has a dedicated local ephemeral swap feature. We’ll start at the top by first…
Read MoreHow can I use ephemeral drives with SQL Server tempdb?
First of all, if you are not familiar with ephemeral storage, then check out our previous post on the topic. SQL Server loves to use tempdb and believe it or not it’s not relegated solely to the types of queries you might think, such as ordering and grouping. It’s used by a whole world of…
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