Added tool-tips to health metrics to assist in
identifying the underlying health condition.
Added default values for empty charts.
“Dashboard” rebranded as Alert Dashboard.
“Chart Dashboard” rebranded as Performance
SQL Notable Queries
Added cross-reference to suggested indexes.
Allows for quick discovery of related solutions to discovered bottle necks.
Added drill-through to suggested indexes from
notable query.
Expanded query-text based searching
Added search by NQUID (Notable Query ID) to
notable query search.
SQL Disk Monitoring
Moved select attributes of disk geometry from
the disk-metrics and added it to the disk-performance. This allows for quicker
alerting on disk-space conditions and more efficient performance data storage.
Bug Fixes
Resolved issue with disk-space trending values
on machines with mirrored arrays.
Resolved issues with hidden date ranges on scan
interval configuration.