Enabling Growth Through Performance
Enabling Growth Through Performance

VPS Change Log 1.7.1

SQL Notable Queries

  • Added alert conditions to notify when a completed query used n-percent more of a given resource than the 7-day average
  • Added collection of Object Name for each notable query plan.
  • Added search by Object Name functionality. This is a LIKE operation with both a leading and trailing wildcard.
  • Removed Host, Application and Login name from notable query details grid. It is only available on Workload Observation grids.

SQL Notable Queries Workload Observation

  • Added new alert category for real-time alerting of currently executing queries.
  • Added alert conditions to notify when a currently executing query has used n-percent more of a given resource than the 7-day average.


  • Added collection of all index meta-data regardless of their usage.
  • Added collection of index columns and includes.
  • Altered index collection to now mark indexes as deleted when they are removed from monitored systems.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved issue which could lead to error messages when creating new alerts.
  • Resolved issue where dashboards were sometimes omitting present day information.
  • Resolved issue which sometimes lead to needless errors being reported in the Event Log when collecting query observations.

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